What is the International Stash Mover?

Milk Stork's International Stash Mover provides 96 hours of cooling capabilities for parents to easily move their stash of frozen milk. Milk Stork Stash coolers do not arrive cold, or activated and they do not have an activation button. Our coolers work with high-performance vacuum insulated panels that will maintain the frozen temperature for up to 96 hours, which begins once the milk is packed into the cooler.

Stash Mover is available in one size:

Up to 180oz
Outer dimensions: 12.3" x 11.5"x 11.7"

Packing Tips:

  • Milk should already be frozen before packing in the cooler. We recommend freezing flat for maximum use of cooler space
  • Zip-top milk storage bags are preferred for maximum use of cooler space, but are not necessary.  Using Willow bags will greatly decrease the amount of milk that can be packed into the cooler.
  • Stash can hold between 150 oz - 200 ounces, depending on the type of milk storage bags used
  • All milk should be fully frozen when packed to get the optimal temperature in the cooler for shipping
  • Pack milk into cooler just before transit

Shipping Your Order to Your Destination:

Your order will be shipped to your international destination via FedEx International Priority and according to FedEx’s international capabilities. All orders require a lead time of (7) business days. Saturday delivery is not available for international orders. Prior to completing an order, please make sure to contact your hotel or destination to ensure they will accept the shipment on your behalf.  In some cases, a copy of your passport may be required to finalize the clearance process with customs. If this occurs, FedEx will contact you directly. If FedEx is unable to reach you, our Customer Care team will also attempt to contact you.

Packing Instructions:

Instructions to pack your Stash cooler can be found here.

Transporting Your Cooler Home:

 Please note, your airline may charge a baggage fee for checked items.  The International Stash Mover does not include a duffel bag.

  • Airport security policies and restrictions for checking breast milk as luggage can vary country to country, and these policies may be inconsistently or incorrectly enforced.
  • The international cooler is not guaranteed to universally comply with every country’s policies and regulations for checking breast milk. Please verify the viability of using your Milk Stork cooler and packing it in compliance with regulations set forth by the airports and airport security agencies on your itinerary.

We have compiled this resource to direct you to airport security policies and regulations for several popular destinations across the globe. We recommend printing out the official policies of the airports that you will be traveling through and carrying them with you.

Unpacking Instructions:

  1. Place all milk from cooler directly into freezer at the same time cooler lid has been opened.
  2. The cooler temperature will start to warm once lid has been opened.
  3. Milk may arrive in various forms of frozen, depending on location in the cooler and time from original destination.
  • Every person has different fat content in their milk, which itself ranges every hour, every day, so every bag has a different freeze point.
  • You may notice milk arrives in various forms of frozen, even almost fully liquid. This does not make the milk unsuitable for feeding to your baby. Some breast milk may even have a grassy, or soapy, smell or look to it. This is a natural byproduct of breast milk composition and does not mean the milk is unsafe to feed your baby. Breastmilk that is not safe to feed will smell distinctly sour and unpleasant, much like cow’s milk.
  • If any bags are almost liquid, they can safely be returned to a freezer if any ice crystals remain in the bag, regardless of size or amount. The bags are not considered thawed unless the entire bag is in a full liquid state.
  • If any bags are fully liquid, it is recommended to use them within 24 hours of cooler arrival at destination.

Stash Cooler Storage Tips:

  • Insulated panels and cardboard linings need to stay intact for optimal temperature insulation. Keep lid off cooler when storing to keep panels dry, and mold free
  • Cooler may be reused (as long as panels and cardboard are still intact) in event of power outage, temporary cold storage or repeat shipments
  • Discard cooler into trash when no longer using.